Sunday, March 9, 2008

John McCain is George W's Mini-me

Now that the GOP has gotten past their "More conservative than thou" litmus test, they have chosen as their Bush heir apparent......John McCain. Only eight years ago George W "Shrub" Bush ran one of the ugliest campaigns against McCain. Bush insulted his wife with tales of drug abuse and even made his daughter who was adopted a target as well.

You would think that this alone would have given McClain a cause for pause when he chose to support a candidate in 2004, but amazingly enough he endorsed Bush proudly. He weakly defended John Kerry, a fellow decorated Vietnam vet but in the final analysis never chose to denounce the members of the Republican 04 Convention when they chose to wear band-aids on their faces with tiny purple hearts as a means of mocking Kerry's three medals.

Apparently the Republican Koolaid was strong enough to make this an acceptable parody in spite of the fact that by not speaking out that he also chose to not defend others from every war past and future as well as failing to support the decorated Kerry. Granted he fought Bush on several issues including the "Torture" bill he sponsored but when the Senate recently voted on a bill that would allow Waterboarding to be done by members of the CIA, he voted in favor of the very same means of torture that his fellow Vietnam vets had suffered nearly forty years ago.

It appears that his love of Bush/Power/hegemony far exceeds his loyalty to not only his fellow soldiers but even his fellow Americans. Let's not forget. He is perfectly happy to keep this war going for a century. He doesn't care who has to pay for it in terms of money or lives. He wants his war and he wants to be a war President. Just say NO to this madness.....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

THAT'S how you start a bloig! Shoot from the hip, girl!
Good luck,