Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Show me the MONEY John.

John McCain has a secret. According to Open Secrets a watch dog money web page, it's a public information matter. He has little in the way of PAC funds but he has an amazing last minute 11% of his money that is not accounted for.

It's not mentioned as "self-financing" ala wife Cindy's Budweiser Franchise money. It's just not itemized. HUH? The dude who says he is "Senator Maverick......Senator Straight Talk......Senator Charles Keeting FIVE? Mr. McCain-Feingold with UNDISCLOSED MONEY? Who could this UNDISCLOSED source be?

Better yet.....why does he have a $110,000 plus contribution from UBS on his disclosed list? Are you saying that former Senator Phil Gramm who just HAPPENS to be co-chair of the 08 McCain Campaign, passed the hat? Now THAT'S a Kodak moment.

Holy undisclosed lobbist influence! Riddle me this.... Why are so many banks listed? Can you say privitization of Social Security Insurance funds now safely held in US Secured Bonds? Sure, I knew you could boys and girls! Texas just HAPPENS to use one of these banks that has privatized unemployment payments. No more checks. You now get a loaded credit card. Nice work if you can get it.

HUMMMMM! Holy Iran-Contra, Batman! Time to head for the Batcave. It's Bush's third term all over again!

Read the numbers below. The numbers tell the tale and it is not one that flatters Mr. "Straight Talk" McCain. From one Irish about another Irish.....something is rotten in the State of Denmark. The numbers don't add up even for a George W Bush (the sequel) reigeme.

Make note......Cindy McCain says that her money is private family money and not subject to public disclosure. He suddenly took "Public Money" at the end. He only obeyed McCain-Feingold because he took out a loan to finance his campaign when he the "Straight Talk Express" was running on financial gas fumes! I know he says that he doesn't know anything about the economy but does this PROVE that he has never pumped his own gas?

I would wager after today, that Russ Feingold regrets putting his name on the McCain-Feingold Bi-Partisian Campaign Reform legislation. He watched Phone Companies get a get out of jail free card today. Maybe Russ Feingold signed in the spirit of Bipartisan Campaign reform. Now he may regret this decision.

Read 'em and weep Senator Straight Talker..... Here is your web page reference.....In the age of the Gore inspired "internets, "We the People" have our eyes upon you........all the live long day! Ask Clayton Williams......memories run long in the Lone Star State that you pal, Bush claims to be a part of. We KNEW Ann Richards........He's NO Ann Richards!

Source of Funds:

Individual contributions $104,783,672 88%
PAC contributions $1,143,214 1%
Candidate self-financing $0 0%
Federal Funds: $0 0%
Other $13,667,709 11%

Here are the money facts....

Full Disclosure $87,131,669 (87.8%)
Incomplete $0
No Disclosure $12,161,799 (12.2%)


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