Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain's Slip Is showing

I thought that it was priceless that in the middle of the Democractic Convention that a man who joked about a woman being raped by a gorrilla would pretend to now
be Hillary Clinton's BFF with indignant claims that "Obama passed her over for VP"!
Yeah, right......I guess he thinks that Hillary forgets the awful comments he made
about Chelsea when she was a young impressionable girl having to endure the GOP hacks like McCain making comments about her appearance!

Just what a teenager needs to get their wobbly legs planted on terra firma....NOT! NOW he picks out a complete unknown woman from Alaska because I guess he still forgets that we can Google her background and he thinks that women are so stupid that they will RUSH TO THEIR SIDE with this appointment of a woman for VP. NO WAY! Check her out....As governor of Alaska, she was "has come under the scrutiny of an investigation by the Republican-controlled legislature into the possibility that she ordered the dismissal of Alaska's public safety commissioner because he would not fire her former brother-in-law as a state trooper."

An EEOC nightmare in the making and a continuation of the same Monica Goodling
hiring practice of only hiring people who swore allegence to Bush. These guys are scary, sexist and apparently without immagination. I hope this bites him on his
elbow and shows him that women are NOT stupid. HE IS! I don't like the idea of this
woman being one heartbeat away from the Oval office with a candidate for President
who has Cancer and a swollen cheek. If he thinks Obama isn't capable with four years in the Senate, years in the Illinois State House AND a career of teaching the Constitution.....this woman isn't fit to be Barack's driver.

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